What is Critical Imigration Theory (CIT)?
Posted by Call Toll Free · July 29, 2024 6:34 PM
Illinois’ out-migration losses: Measuring the destructive impact on the state’s tax base
Posted by Alan Anderson · July 26, 2024 10:27 AM
Sad Day for America
Posted by Susan Mantell · May 31, 2024 9:55 AM
Yesterday our justice system failed. It was weaponized against We the People. We must all join in prayer for President Trump and his family as they navigate through the process of appealing this ruling. It is no coincidence that his sentencing slated for July 11th, days before the RNC Convention. As we contemplate our future as a nation, we must take the time to assess what our role is in our future. It is certain that the past has proved that the path our country is on is one of complete transformation and destruction as was promised during the past few presidential campaigns, minus one. It is up to We the People to get involved, educate our fellow countrymen and countrywomen, protect our sacred election process and do the hard things like run for office. It may seem daunting but I believe we have not yet lost our nation. Over the next few months, each one of you has an option to put your head in the sand, curl up in a corner or strap on the shield of God and be strong and unwavering in our mission to reclaim our Country from the radical people currently destroying it. Do not lose faith. We have the power of God on our side. Get and stay involved and lets do what we can in our county to shape our future for the positive.
We need Election Judges, Poll Watchers and Precinct Committeepersons. There are committees who need help. We have events we are planning. We need help with those as well. There is much work to do. Reach out if you want to get involved or know of someone who wants to get involved.
2024: IL GOP Convention Update and Headquarters News
Posted by Susan Mantell · May 27, 2024 9:53 PM
Greetings Champaign County Republicans,
The 2024 IL GOP Convention occurred on the 24th and 25th of May in Collinsville, IL at the Gateway Convention Center. There were excellent training events, vendors and vigorous debate on the floor. I want to thank the Champaign County delegates who were able to attend. The delegates who attended included Lisa Pope, Jeff Wilson, Becky Wilson, Jim McGuire, Dee Shonkwiler and Rich Montgomery as well as me.
We were all able to network with fellow republicans. After much debate and several votes, Dean White was elected as the RNC National Committeeman and Congresswoman Mary Miller was elected as the Illinois Delegation Chair to nominate President Donald J Trump at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Rhonda Belford was elected as the RNC National Committeewoman.
There were 12 different resolutions passed to clarify the republican stance on many of the current issues. In the near future, they will be posted to the website along with the Republican Party Platform.
For those of you who were not aware, we have secured a Republican Headquarters at 2101 West Park Court, Champaign, IL 61821. The entrance is on the West Side of the Building. We will be staying there from May 30th through December 15th. On the 30th and 31st of May, we will be emptying out our storage unit and moving the contents into the Headquarters. Anyone who would like to help move the contents can meet at the storage unit at 4pm on May 30th. It is located at 602 Glover Street, Unit 33 in Urbana.
We will break from the movement of contents on May 30th to have our slating meeting in which we will consider Alan Anderson as candidate for County Auditor. Over the next few months we will have fundraisers and multiple events. Lets get excited about this upcoming election cycle and get our constituents involved. We have a lot of work ahead including recruiting Election Judges, Pollwatchers and Precinct Committeepersons. I am confident we can re-energize our county.
Let's flip this county red!
Champaign County Chairwoman
Chairwoman's Notes 5-6-24
Posted by Susan Mantell · May 06, 2024 12:47 PM
Chairwoman’s Notes May 6, 2024
Hello All,
I would like to thank the Precinct Committeepersons for their confidence in my ability to lead and organize the Champaign County GOP.
Over the next few weeks, I will be continuing to make assessments and changes where needed in the organizational structure of the Central Committee within the parameters set forth in the Bylaws.
I realize that some may expect immediate changes. I believe that we need to plot our path carefully so that we can make effective changes while avoiding disruption in already functioning processes. This all begins with getting a proper assessment to start.
Some of the goals I stated during the Convention include:
General Goals
- Establish strategic priorities including a vision for the party which includes unifying and recovering members who left over the past few years
- Establish a business plan with budget and specific donation goals based on planned events/activities
- Recruit key leaders including PCs, Committee chairs and volunteers
Election Operations
- Goal 85% of PCs recruited, trained, and activated
- PCs contacting 50% of turn-out Voters Monthly
- Clearly communicate with our constituents through a weekly email blast
- Reinstitute Newsletter (I have people who have volunteered to help)
- Produce high quality sharable content that appeals to persuadable voters 4x per month on three issues: Crime, the economy, and education
- Goal is 10,000 eyes on produced content monthly
Coalitions/ Community Engagement
- Form three issues-based coalitions and find a reputable leader for each
- Coalition members contacting 25% of turnout targets month
Champaign County has been my home for more than 50 years. I will work tirelessly to get it back on track. We need all hands-on deck with a common direction. We need everyone doing what they can. Please reach out to me if you have questions. With a positive attitude and hard work, we can make the progress we need to affect good change.
Champaign County GOP Chairwoman
Pictures from the 2024 Lincoln Day Dinner
Posted by Alan Anderson · March 06, 2024 9:23 AM