Active Senior Republicans (ASR)

Next Meeting: 9:30am Monday February 3, 2025 (Social time from 9:00 - 9:30)

Location: Champaign Public Library in Pavilion Room A & B. 

Program: January meeting has been canceled due to the weather.  See you at the next meeting, February 3rd.

ASR meetings are usually on the first Monday of the month (if not a holiday).
The general format for meetings is as follows:
    • 9:00 The doors open for coffee and light refreshments (donations accepted).
    • 9:30 A brief business meeting. Visiting office holders/candidates may introduce themselves at this time.
    • 9:40 The main program.

The ASR of Champaign County are affiliated with and in support of the Champaign County Republican Party. The goals of the Organization shall be to:
      • Assist its members to become better informed in political matters by hearing elected officials and others speak at its meetings.
      • Provide a forum to facilitate input from ASR to candidates and party officials on significant issues.
      • Help get out the vote, especially among seniors.
      • Assist Republican candidates in their bid for elective office, except that the Organization shall not endorse candidates in a primary election.
      • Promote and support Republican ideas and issues.
      • Work toward party unity.
      • Provide a standard for other age groups to respect and imitate.
Any person who considers himself/herself to be a senior citizen and a Republican may become a member of the Organization. A person shall become a member simply by attending a meeting.


For Questions, Contact:
Name Position Phone Email
Joyce McCabe Co-President 217-819-0939 [email protected]
Sandy McCabe Co-President 217-207-7001 [email protected]