About the ChampaignGOP
VISION: Here in the land of Lincoln, home of the nation's first Republican President, the Champaign County Republican Party stands for the same core values based on freedom and democracy that Lincoln first proposed.
MISSION: The Champaign County Republican Party seeks to improve the lives of all Champaign county residents through passionate advocacy for individual rights.
VALUES: Ideal Members are empowered, committed, and possess high personal integrity.
In a limited Government that will:
- only perform those functions that cannot be done by individuals and private organizations.
- avoid unduly interfering with free enterprise and free markets, allowing local businesses to stay competitive.
In a fiscally conservative Government that is:
- accountable to taxpayers and acts in a responsible and transparent manner.
- working to lower taxes, therefore allowing citizens to keep more of what they earn.
In fairness under the law, regardless of economic or social status and that our Government will ensure:
- fair and equal access to its institutions such as schools and the courts.
- an excellent and safe education is available to every child and supported by all.
Private property rights are the foundation of individual freedoms and that our Government:
- will defer to the owners when considering the stewardship of property.
- must exercise eminent domain only with extreme caution.