Republican Women’s Group: Engaged and Active!

The Champaign County Republican Women’s Group (RWCC) is growing and active! The group has added many new members this past year and has joined Illinois Federation of Republican Women and National Federation of Republican Women which allows us to participate in additional events and have access to additional resources, information and participate in events on the state and national level.

The RWCC meets once a month (usually the fourth Monday of the month) at various locations around the county. Meetings include guest speakers, updates on community involvement and GOP events and education on relevant topics affecting our community.

At a recent meeting we learned about the importance of having Precinct Committeemen in all precincts and how to become one. We’ve also learned how to fill out a witness slips to let our voice be heard on upcoming bills. The group is also active in giving back to the community by donating to various charities, participating in fundraisers, and maintaining a stretch of highway. 

We encourage all Champaign County Republican Women to join us.  If you’d like more information on the RWCC, contact Linda Yoakum or Peggy Prichard at [email protected] or visit our Republican Women’s Facebook group here.