Why Run For Office? Why Vote?
Elections have consequences.
The elected few have significant power to affect the lives and livelihood of the many. Today we are experiencing the negative consequences of the last election.
Currently, Democrats dominate Champaign county, holding all county wide offices and have the majority of the County Board Membership and hold the chairmanship of the County Board.
This year in Champaign County, four county wide positions, the Sheriff, County Executive, County Clerk, County Treasurer and all 22 county board member seats are up for election. The Democrats currently hold these four positions and Republicans have only 8 of the 22 Board Memberships. Additionally, we have an extreme shortage of precinct committeepersons. Only 81 the 118 positions are currently filled.
Think of the County Executive as the Executive branch of county government and the Board Members as the legislative branch. Their decisions and polices impact our County.
Consequence: As a conservative republican – your voice is not being heard.
Consequence: Are we safer and more secure today? Homicides, shootings, and lootings have significantly increased. Are we better off today? Run-away Inflation is affecting us all. Are we happy with the way County Government and its administration is operated? Are we happy when extreme progressive agendas are being rammed through our schools, and everyday life?
The radical and damaging policies of progressives must be stopped and reversed.
The good news is we now have the opportunity and power to change this.
Two actions are required. 1) Run for Office and 2) Vote
Action 1 – Run for Office:
Now is the time to win control over Champaign County. We can effect consequential positive change with a new Sheriff, a new County Board Executive, Clerk, and Treasurer.
Winning a majority in County Board Membership would also be desirable. Now is the time to step up to preserve and protect our County.
However, this cannot happen unless we field good Republican candidates for these positions. Time is short. Apply for office now. Filing for office, and all supporting documents are due March 7 – 14.
Reach out to your Champaign County GOP office for help and assistance in filing for office.
Action 2 - Vote:
Without your vote, your voice is not heard. In the 2020 election 75% of the registered voters voted. In the 2018 off-year election, only 65% voted. What would happen if more individuals registered and voted? What could have happened if all registered republican voters voted?
Voting empowers us. Voting is our responsibility as citizens. Not voting is giving up your voice and is equal to voting for what you do not want. Vote for what you do want. Your livelihood depends on it. It impacts your bottom line – taxes, and where taxes are spent.
The Primary is June 28. The General election is November 8.
Let’s do this. Let’s win in 2022. Win for our families and our community, our way of life. Run for office and Vote!
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